Single Review: Space Junk by L-Space

Words: The Captain

Photo: Gail Watt (The Woozle)


I first saw L-Space as a support for Eyre Llew back in March and I really liked them, so when I was approached by the band to review their new single, I was rather elated.

As I said when I reviewed them live: “Think if Doctor Who and Red Dwarf got together and made a band, this would be it”. I still stand by that statement. It helps that I am an avid Doctor Who fan and also think Red Dwarf is pretty cool (I’m gonna eat you little fishy, I’m gonna eat you little fissssssssh!).

Judging by the name of this track, the other tracks I’ve heard and their stage talk, they LOVE space and this certainly comes across in this track. “Space Junk” is all kinds of weird and wonderful, with the emphasis on the latter. When I listen to it, I feel like I’m floating about in some kind of disco bubble in space and I’m having a party with other people who bounce by in their own disco bubbles and everyone is having a great time.

The synths emanating from my speakers (alongside the sweet, yet ever so slightly and nicely distorted vocals) make my room feel like that bubble I mentioned just before. This track is super cool and I urge you to listen to it, along with their other stuff. If you like what you hear, or think “that sounds so utterly amazingly cool I have to hear it on stage NOWWWWW!”, then you don’t have to wait too long! Here is a list of their next few dates, they’re going to be very busy!

  • The Flying Duck, Glasgow – 27th July,
  • MugStock,  Mugdock Country Park – 29th July (Chameleon Stage @ 13:40 & Oxjam Stage @ 15:15)
  • Merchant City Festival @ Tron Theatre, Glasgow – 30th July (with Fox Star Records) 
  • Opium, Edinburgh – 13th of August. 

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